Academy of Gallo

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The Konjugator


Many Gallo verbs have local variants. This tool is a quick writing aid, so it only takes one form into account.

The rolling lists are long! In order to get to your verb quickly, open the list and enter the first letter(s) of your verb.

The virtual keyboard of some smartphones and tablets does not automatically activate: the button 'Show' allows to reach the first verb starting with the letter you entered.

Index of Verbs
Select a verb:

Verbs and auxiliary verbs


Regular -ER Group
start to:   


Irregular -ER Group


regular -IR group


Other irregular Verbs


Selected verb:

Select a tense:

Indicatif: Présent   Imparfait   Passé simple   Futur  

Conditionnel: Présent  

Subjonctif: Présent  

Participes: Participe présent   Participe passé